New Custom Guns for your private match or server Description: includes BotWarfare mod Author: Killera Download link: New Custom Guns for your private match or server Description: includes BotWarfare mod Author: Killera Download link: MEGA (decryption key: !gJdT3DxD!X2XZ7kakXkcf0ReGlwprudME_Z-zbOpBVEaZIbRMNPc ) Virustotal: Scan Installation: download the above archive, then extract it into the data folder of Sherkan SE5 - that's all Спойлер: New Guns List - ACR WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS Посмотреть вложение 905 Gives you a flamethrower hotkey - SCAR-H WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS Посмотреть вложение 906 Gives you a rocket launcher as a HotKey - MG4 WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS Посмотреть вложение 907 Gives you a hell fire (LOTS OF AMMO) - .44 Magnum WITH FMJ Посмотреть вложение 908 Gives you a 6 bullet one shot one kill pistol - AA-12 WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS Посмотреть вложение 909 Gives you a sick shotgun - FAL WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS Gives you a doom guard (A Shotgun With Unlimited range but one bullet) (No Screenshot cuz of attachment limit )