INFO Zombies (mode)

Тема в разделе "Sherkan B2", создана пользователем koffey, 2 июл 2015.

Статус темы:
  1. koffey

    koffey Sherkan Player Команда форума Sherkan Player


    1. Download and install the game
    2. Update the game using Sherkan Updater
    3. Start singleplayer and enter "Zombies" mod
    3. Create a Private Match
    4. Your friends have to find your lobby with the same map
    5. Make sure that you are "Ready"
    6. Survive! :D

    You can also invite a friend if you played together before:

    1. Click "Friends" button at the bottom right corner of the screen in your lobby
    2. Double-click on friend's nickname and then choose "Invite Player"
    3. Wait for your friend
    Последнее редактирование: 2 окт 2016
    SansLord321 нравится это.
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