PREVIEW Snoop Dogg Voice Pack - Alpha Preview

Тема в разделе "Mods", создана пользователем Just Ifiw, 20 мар 2016.

  1. Just Ifiw

    Just Ifiw New Member

    Snoop Dogg Voice P[/color

    Snoop Dogg Voice Pack - Alpha Preview


    Description: Well,Decided to release my Snoop Dog Pack in a Alpha state.
    Why Alpha ? Simply because i extract over 695 sounds files with no name on it.
    So i need to identify all of these sounds files and...He take so much time...

    Download (alpha): File Hosting

    Getting out of alpha: If you wanna help me, Well,Download the Snoop Dogs files (raw files),What you need to do is to identify some lines that he can be used for a Mw2 pack,Rename that file with a all caps description Ex: SB2MB DEFUSED
    And after this,Upload me the files in PM or in this thread, I'm gonna use them for finish this pack.!
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 22 мар 2016