RE-SKIN Desert Eagle: Silver Stone

Тема в разделе "Mods", создана пользователем Mannit, 12 мар 2016.

  1. Mannit

    Mannit New Member

    Desert Eagle Skin 'Silver Stone'

    Description: Here is a golden deagle reskin to the Silver stone (Cooler looking :D)
    Author: Killera
    Download link:[/B

    Desert Eagle Skin 'Silver Stone'

    Description: Here is a golden deagle reskin to the Silver stone (Cooler looking :D)
    Author: Killera
    Download link: MEGA (decryption key: !lY_IF2Y3krBauvhWnu0-diQzCQQEt4eNL_QxgcGn6Lk )
    Virustotal: Scan
    Installation: download the above archive, then extract it into the data folder of Sherkan SE5 - that's all

    Последнее редактирование модератором: 20 мар 2016